Hey Everyone and welcome to this weeks "Trade In of the Week" segment here on the SDBMWMC blog. Today's bike is a 2003 Moto Guzzi V11 Sport. If you've never heard one of these engines run it's worth the trip down here just to turn the key and wrap the throttle open a few times. Sort of a cross between that 340 Cuda your neighbor had growing up and a dry clutch desmo. Whatever the description of the operational audio the visual is all Italian Hooligan at it's absolute finest.
Guzzi annodized all the aluminum frame members on these bikes which adds a nice touch to the otherwise raw rigid members. The paint is a maroon that I can assure you has NEVER graced the fairings to another motorcycle. There is a carbon fiber front clip which I'm not typically a fan of but in this RARE instance it was done correctly. Just enough of the gray-n-black weave to set off the cafe style headlight (round, chrome...the way it should be). The clip-ons are swept back also in keeping with the cafe ergo's but not so much as to give you that Triumph feel.
Come on by the shop this weekend (swap meet Saturday!) and have a look, listen or even ride this beauty. Thanks for reading as always.
-Sean DeAngelis
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