Hey Everyone and welcome to another exciting update to the San Diego BMW Motorcycles blog. Today we welcome the newest addition to the team here at SDBMWMC. Just in time for the winter weather and the holiday rush. Obviously, the shop has been undergoing some changes as of recent (not to mention yours truly pulling a Bret Favre at the end of November) and one of the most notable of those changes is this newest member of our family. Obviously, there is a "probationary" period involved in which we evaluate performance and efficiency of the new additions but I'm fairly confident things will work out. I mean, the position only requires performing one real task any given day! So, ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu, I give you: The San Diego BMW Motorcycles Christmas Tree! Sorry about the poor photo, the freaking new guy got in the way.
Thanks for reading.
-Sean DeAngelis
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