We started a GS rider Group to get together and do some off road rides and promote the under-estimated capabilities of the GS. After all having a GS and not riding off road is like having a boat and hanging out tied off to the dock. We are hosting rides, training and clinics. Check us out on our Facebook page: "SD GS Riders" for ride dates, and posts about our great adventures.
Our first ride was to the top of Otay Mountain October 30th, a day that started out very wet. I was on my way to the shop from Oceanside in the morning and it was absolutely pouring rain. I thought the ride was going to be a bust but I was really impressed with the 24 riders that showed up for the ride in the pouring rain. If this was a street bike ride there would have been maybe 5 guys show up. GS riders are REAL MEN, hardcore riders. We did some training for a few hours and then the rain stopped. It ended up being great weather for the ride because it was not hot and there was no dust on the trail.

The best part of Adventure riding is, no traffic. How many times have you had your favorite road ruined by cars trying to kill you, slow moving RVs towing trailers, and 18 wheelers. We didn't see any of those on the trail. The few Jeeps we did encounter were pulled off to the side waving us past them. How often does that happen on your street ride! Reason #2 to own an adventure bike is 98 percent of the world is unpaved. Why limit your options.The GS can take you places most people don't ever see. (like the beautiful view we had a the top of the Otay Mountain). I get a sense much like a climber who uses his ropes and other tools to conquer a mountain. I rode a 500-600 lb beast up this mountain, how cool is that. A great experience and it only cost a tank of gas.
Hope to see you on the next adventure ride.
Thanks for reading,
-Scott Coakley
That is a great re-cap of a great day of riding.